Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Project #21: Emotional Concept Themes

This week we are going to be working more on "Emotional Concept Themes" -- that is, not specific projects (like silhouettes or shadows or whatever).  The themes will be more conceptual.  I hate making suggestions for these because I want you to think (yes) outside the box again.  For that reason, I'm not going to give you example pictures this week.  :)

For each of these, try to take multiple shots or ideas.  I know there's not a lot of time in your schedule for photography, but see what you can come up with.  You should be building a rather full pile of pictures that you can load into your portfolio by now.

Theme - "Trust"
  • When you think of a word like "trust", try to imagine what it would be if you had to portray it in a picture.  If you were to see a picture, what would make you think "Trust".  
Theme - "Cold"
  • Cold can be a literal, physical depiction (i.e. a snow scene or someone soaking wet with their breath visible) or it could be a figurative expression (like a stare or a complete disinterest over something that should bring out an emotional response).  
Theme - "Strength"
  • Like "Cold", "Strength" can be a literal depiction (muscles or someone lifting heavy stuff) or it could be figurative -- an oak tree, a flower pushing through the pavement or an elderly person who has obviously persevered through a rough life.
Theme - "Childhood Memory"
  • Childhood memories can be happy, sad, or even scary.  They can depict a person, place, item, or even an experience.  From something abstract like a clenched hand holding a belt to something more enjoyable like a tree that you helped a parent plant as a little kid.  You could depict a favorite toy or a place you liked to play or just something that "takes you back" to when you were little.

Project #19: Wildlife

When people hear "wildlife" they often think of more exotic animals like bears, wolves, tigers, etc., but you can think local and come up with some really interesting shots.  Many of our birds have flown South right now, but there are still some critters wandering our county.

Project #20: Props

Props can be a difficult subject -- or a very easy one.  If you can think outside the box a little, you can create some interesting and unusual images.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Project #17: Farm Animals

Farm animals are deceptively "easy" pictures.  Unfortunately, most people snap pictures of farm animals and they expect them to be good.  The problem is that there are MILLIONS of pictures out there of farm animals [pigs, goats, horses, sheep, turkeys, etc.] but few with any artistic value.  I'm looking for some outside the box thinking on this.  Use the Rule of Thirds... or interesting cropping... or an angle that someone else might not have thought of.  What about an extreme close-up?  A worms-eye view?  Get creative!

Project 18: Statues & Monuments

Statues and monuments can be difficult subjects because of the material that they are made of and because of their size.  Sometimes you can get a cool perspective by laying on the ground beneath a statue or focusing on a small section of the piece.  We have parks and such around the county with statues and monuments, so this is a "doable" project.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Project #15: Bridges

Bridges can be breathtaking in scale or beauty -- or they can be very cold and industrial.  Sometimes the juxtaposition of an industrial bridge in a beautiful location is enough to make an interesting picture.  In any case, bridges have always fascinated artists; maybe it has something to do with knowing what's on the other side.

This assignment is very open to interpretation, so you're idea of a "bridge" may be different than mine, but if you can defend your selection I will approve.  (A fallen log across a creek, for example)

Project 16: Architecture

Architecture is a broad topic for photography -- it can mean almost anything related to buildings.  What I want you to do is NOT focus on taking a picture of a house or building, but to focus on interesting or unusual architecture or architectural elements.  They can be interior or exterior and any age or style.  They can be landscape, abstract, close-ups, etc.